Plant Monitoring System

A remote weather station powered by Arduino


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Suitable Temperature

Temperature Graph

Roses can withstand a wide range of temperatures. In general, hot, dry conditions are preferable to humid conditions. Roses adopt winter dormancy when temperatures fall below zero at night and less than 10°C in the day.

With minimum night temperatures of 10°C and correspondingly warmer temperatures of 18°C to 25°C during the day, roses will happily flower non-stop for 12 months of the year.

The ideal climate for rose growing should have temperature with a minimum of 15°C and maximum of 28°C

In tropics the ideal temperature is 25°C – 30°C on sunny day and on cloudy day 18°C – 20°C. In other cases optimum temperature should be 15°C – 18°C

Temperature Logs

These are the values collected by the weather station during operation. The data is stored remotely on a server and is retained for 30 days.