Plant Monitoring System

A remote weather station powered by Arduino


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Health Graph

All the parameter values tracked by Product Name are plotted in an overall radar graph. All green points lying between the blue and black points is a good sign.

The latest values recorded by the remote weather station are used to plot the graph. The graph is updated every 5 minutes to reflect the most recent state of the system.

The complete dataset is displayed on the Log page or on the individual category page accesible via the Navbar

Temperature Graph

Roses can withstand a wide range of temperatures. In general, hot, dry conditions are preferable to humid conditions. Roses adopt winter dormancy when temperatures fall below zero at night and less than 10°C in the day.

With minimum night temperatures of 10°C and correspondingly warmer temperatures of 18°C to 25°C during the day, roses will happily flower non-stop for 12 months of the year.

The ideal climate for rose growing should have temperature with a minimum of 15°C and maximum of 28°C

In tropics the ideal temperature is 25°C – 30°C on sunny day and on cloudy day 18°C – 20°C. In other cases optimum temperature should be 15°C – 18°C

Humidity Graph

Roses require high humidity. The roses will bring in some moisture through their leaves if the humidity is up there to steam room like levels.

The humidity level in the average home is often below 30 percent, yet most house plants, even desert dwellers such as cacti, prefer humidity levels of at least 40 percent. Many require 60 percent or more.

Relative humidity of 50 to 60 percent is probably ideal for both house plants and people.

Roses also shut down when it gets real hot. It’s a self defense mechanism they use to get through both hot and drier spells.

Moisture Graph

Although roses are ‘water wise’ and able to adjust to the quantity of water available, they cannot generate new stems and flowers during the growing season without regular watering.

Fine (Clay):

  No Irrigation: 80%-100%

  Needed Irrigation to Be Applied: 60%-80%

  Dangerously Low Soil Moisture: Below 60%

Medium (Loamy):

  No Irrigation: 88%-100%

  Needed Irrigation to Be Applied: 70%-88%

  Dangerously Low Soil Moisture: Below 70%

Sunlight Graph

Roses require considerable light to be able to flower. Their flowering ability is reduced in direct proportion to reduced light.

Light can mean either intensive light on shorter days, or more diffuse light as found on long days under an overcast sky.

To flower freely, roses require direct light for about five hours in the morning when planted east of a building, or in the afternoon when planted west of a building.

In situations with less than four hours of direct light, fewer or no flowers will be produced and the foliage becomes soft and susceptible to diseases.

Water Level Graph

For roses the broad, basic requirement is 10 litres per plant per week. This varies according to the size of the plant and the condition of the soil.

This graph shows the quantity of water available in the water tank available to the system updated at 5 minute intervals. Make sure to keep the tank level above 30% at any given time.

An estimate amount of water required for the following week will be calculated based on historical data and will be compared against current availablity. If there is a lack of water, an alert will be issued based on your preferences.